Heyy ppl,
First of all.. i do not take credits for making these programmes
I know that many people misses using maphack and joining a room with ease with auto room joiner.. But Garena has detected many Garena hacks recently.
[NEW] Added Visual Custom Kick V3.8.0
Link: http://www.winpcap.org/install/default.htm
Current version: v3.8.0
Download Custom Kick
Latest Garena 3.3.1912 Cracked
how to differenciate if it is crack version? when garena.exe pop up, it shows Ultimate Garena on the login pop up.
1) Fixed Clan Bugs with Previous Ultimate Garena v1.3
2) Unlimited Group Alerts (CLAN)
3) Garena can't detect new crack
5) Added more Admin Menus (dunno if they work or not )
6) Warcraft 1.24 Ladder Supported
1) Fixed Some Minor Bugs.
3)Protection from leeching
1) Flood Function Fixed! now u try flooding
2) [CRACKED] Wc3Ladder to display full info
Level,Disconnects,Win,Loss etc
3) Now You can leave/change rooms while playing!!!
4) Added 9 Servers but not all work i think (7 of them work)
1) removed 5 sec wait
2) disabled nag "Sorry, this room is full. \nOnly Gold Members can join full Rooms. Buy Gold membership now!"
3) garena maphack protection bypassed, all previous maphacks are undetected!
4) You can use Shadowfrench's Maphack again
5) Stopped garena updates
Ankur dice (18:38):
*6) Multi-Client - To gain more exp by opening 6 garena...Supported!
7) removed Spam-Limit, no u can repeatedly send messages no error will come "Sorry for Better gaming experience, do not flood!"
8) Shows Real and Virtual ips... in player profile when u click a user in room
9) Shows exact pings in the room, removed bars!
10) Now Even if user has blocked chat you can chat with him.. LOL!
*11) exp hack 100/15 min (Thanks to pudge666 :P)
12) Admin Functions added in menu (some work some might not work)
Next dl the maphack
Download Maphack 1
Download Maphack 2
- Save features in config.ini (customizable all features)
- Grab your Cd-Keys
- Reveal units
- Reveal units on minimap
- Remove fog
- Remove fog on minimap
- Clickable units
- See ressources
- See invisible
- Bypass -ah feature in DotA (Sd333221)
- Show illusions (Sd333221)
- Show enemy pings (Sd333221)
- Clickable invisible units (Sd333221)
- See cooldowns (Sd333221)
- See skills (Sd333221)
- Show invisible units as red (Sd333221)
- Show hero icons ally/enemy/all (Sd333221)
- Enable trade ressources in DotA (Sd333221)
- Show hero icons ally/enemy/all (Sd333221)
- Enable trade ressources in DotA (Sd333221)
- Working Hotkeys (F4,F5 for on/off and NUM+, NUM- for zoom out/in)
- Namespoofer with colors
- Camera Distance Hack (customizable distance)
- Custom trade amounts
- Minimize to tray button
- Show all HP bars (For the HP bars features, you have to have the option always show healthbars in warcraft III DISABLED)
- Show only enemy HP bars (Darimus)
- Show only ally HP bars (Darimus)
- Top view feature (removes the angle so you look over everything at 180 degrees)
- Remove zoom angles (removes the deviation when zooming)
- 90 degree spin (spins camera by 90 degrees)
- Smooth Camera (Max Camera distance that doesn't lock the zoom)
A small dota tip for everyone
The spider webs of hero broodmother are not transparent when you have Bypass -AH enabled. Disable it and the spider webs will become transparent again.
Lastly, dl the auto room joiner!
How to use Auto Room Joiner
-Select a room and press F12
-When you are able enter to enter room, press F11
Auto Room Joiner is included in Cracked Garena Programme, u do not need to dl a auto room joiner.
Thank me if i helped! ^^
Sorry theres no mega exp...
Shortcut Links
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
GarenaCrack+Mh v1.24 + Auto room joiner working
Labels: Dota Patch 1.23, Warcraft Patches
Posted by Imran Ladhani at 4:45 PM
Warcraft Version Switcher Patch 1.23 - 1.24 Download & Guide
Warcraft Version Switcher Patch 1.23 - 1.24 Download & Guide | 1.24 Patch Switcher. I see a lot of people having problems while installing Warcraft 1.24 patch. Don't worry, there is a simplest solution for this problem is: Warcraft Version Switcher, by using this you can switch between versions just by clicking once, I have added Warcraft 1.24 Patch in it. Currently, you can switch between two patches Warcraft 1.23-1.24 patch (you can add more versions it). Check the download link and guide to use Warcraft Version Switcher...
WarCraft Version Switcher 1.23 <-> 1.24 Patch Download Link:
Warcraft_Version_Switcher__ (84.7 Mb)
How to switch between Warcraft 1.23 to Warcraft 1.24 Patch using Warcraft Version Switcher (Step by Step Guide):
* Download Warcraft version switcher from the link above.
* Extract Warcraft_Version_Switcher.rar using WinRar.
* Open the folder where you've extracted it.
* Now open Wvs.exe
* Click the 4th button from the left side which is Options Button.
* Enter you Warcraft 3 Path like "c:\Program Files\Warcraft 3" at the bottom text box of the Options Window.
* Close Option Window and Now click Switch Version Button (1st Button).
* Double Click the version you want to switch. Warcraft 1.23 Or Warcraft 1.24
* Version will be switched.
* Enjoy and don't forget to visit http://Garenamaphack.blogspot.com
WarCraft Version Switcher 1.23 <-> 1.24 Patch Download Link
---> DOWNLOAD <---
Labels: Warcraft Patches
Posted by Imran Ladhani at 4:31 PM
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Working garena hack
As you all know that the version of garenahack-er is no longer working. I've found one cracked version of Buono. It still works but for the mega exp, it only connect to 4 servers .
This Hack Is working 100% and GOT MEGA EXP
Here is the link:
Labels: Garena Hacks
Posted by Imran Ladhani at 3:20 AM
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Syllabear Guide
Lone Druid
"The sleeper has awakened..."
Syllabear was spared a time of great strife due to the deeds of his people. Sensing their settlements impending destruction they turned their child into a bear and sent him to the wild. Syllabear grew up strong and savage, like the bears that inhabited the forest of his home. Using druidic powers, he can enter a state of almost rabid frenzy, and even call powerful bear cmpanions to aid him. Awakened into his elven heritage by Furion the Prophet, Syllabear has regained his true elven form, and brings the bestial spirit of the bear to the
Welcome to my first Dota Hero guide. It is on one of my favourite heroes, Syllabear. Syllabear is a tank/support hero and is well renown for his 'Spirit Bear' skill in summoning a powerful Spirit Bear. This guide is completely original using my own ideas and skill to create it.
*NOTE* - This guide is purely meant for 4v4/5v5 matches. This guide cannot be applied to Lone Druid in 1v1/2v2/3v3 matches.
Syllabear's Skills
Summons a powerful Spirit Bear companion. It randomly Entangles enemies that it attacks.
Level 1 - Summons Spirit Bear with 1400 hit points and Inventory.
Level 2 - Summons Spirit Bear with 1800 hit points - adds Return.
Level 3 - Summons Spirit Bear with 2300 hit points - adds 20% Entangle.
Level 4 - Summons Spirit Bear with 2700 hit points - adds Demolish and 33% spell resistance.
Mana Cost: 75
Cooldown: 180/160/140/120
Duration: Until Death
Syllabear can create an intense combative fury in either himself or his Spirit Bear Companion.
Level 1 - Increases attack speed by 10% and movement speed by 5%.
Level 2 - Increases attack speed by 20% and movement speed by 10%.
Level 3 - Increases attack speed by 30% and movement speed by 15%.
Level 4 - Increases attack speed by 40% and movement speed by 20%.
Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 30
Duration: 10
Increases the Lone Druid's synergy with his Spirit Bear and himself with each level, upgrading spells.
Level 1 - Adds +10 damage and movespeed on Spirit Bear, increases Rabid duration by 10 and True Form hp with +100.
Level 2 - Adds +20 damage and movespeed on Spirit Bear, increases Rabid duration by 20 and True Form hp with +200.
Level 3 - Adds +30 damage and movespeed on Spirit Bear, increases Rabid duration by 30 and True Form hp with +300.
Level 4 - Adds +40 damage and movespeed on Spirit Bear, increases Rabid duration by 40 and True Form hp with +400.
Syllabear learns to morph himself into a brown bear. Morphing into Bear causes Syllabear to lose his ranged advantage, by making him melee. He can morph freely between druid and bear form.
Level 1 - Morphs into Bear Form; 250 bonus health and 2 bonus Armor and has Battle Cry.
Level 2 - Morphs into Bear Form; 400 bonus health, 4 bonus Armor and has Battle Cry.
Level 3 - Morphs into Bear Form; 600 bonus health, 6 bonus Armor, has Battle Cry.
Mana Cost: 25
Adds damage and armor to his companion for a short duration.
Level 1 - Adds +20 damage and 2 Armor.
Level 2 - Adds +40 damage and 4 Armor.
Level 3 - Adds +60 damage and 6 Armor.
Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 30
Duration: 8
Spirit Bear's Skills
Immediately teleports the Spirit Bear back to Syllabear. This skill is acquired when the Spirit Bear is at level 2.
Cooldown: 50
Causes attacks to do 1.6 times normal damage to buildings.
Attacks randomly cause roots to burst from the ground, immobilizing and disarming a target enemy unit for 3 seconds, and dealing 40 damage per second.
Spirit Bear gains resistance against spell damage.
The Skill Build
1. Summon Spirit Bear
2. Synergy
3. Summon Spirit Bear
4. Synergy
5. Summon Spirit Bear
6. True Form
7. Summon Spirit Bear
8. Rabid
9. Rabid
10. Synergy
11. True Form
12. Synergy
13. Rabid
14. Rabid
15. Stats
16. True Form
17-25. Stats
As soon as you level up to level 6, turn into true form straight away for the extra HP and armor and the skill, 'Battle Cry.' Remember, this is a jungling guide so this is why you start pumping 'Synergy' after 'Summon Spirit Bear.' 'Synergy' adds the extra damage for the bear and HP for 'True Form.' Around after level 7 you will start farming a lot easier when you level up 'Rabid.' The 'Rabid' that you will skill up will be substantially a lot better because of the longer duration 'Synergy' has given it. You only level up 'Rabid' twice because you need to get 'Synergy' higher for the HP bonuses.
For the most part of the game, you will be in 'True Form' unless in you are in a situation which requires you to be ranged but if in doubt, stay in 'True Form' for armor and HP bonuses.
The Item Build
Starting Items
For Syllabear
For Spirit Bear
Many of you may be thinking, why are you purchasing two 'Quelling Blades'? The reason you purchase two is because you will be neutral creeping until you are around level 9-11. And when you are not hero killing after this period, you will still go neutraling.
At the end of every full game I play with Lone Druid. I ALWAYS end up with the most creep kills. This makes me the richest thus the most powerful hero in the game. The 'Healing Salve' that you get is meant to heal Syllabear, NOT the Spirit Bear.
Tier 1 Items
For Syllabear
For Spirit Bear
These items will be achieved around level 10-11. Some of you guys may be looking and saying, "WHAT THE F...?" But I'm dead serious. If you farm well enough. You can solo Roshan.
At level 6, you need to change items around. You will no longer have the 'Quelling Blade' for Spirit Bear because 'Quelling Blade' doesn't stack with his 'Entangle.' Get rid of the 'Quelling Blade' Syllabear has as it is ranged and useless in his 'True Form' and give the melee 'Quelling Blade' that your bear had to Syllabear. Thus, there will be no more stacking problems.
The build order is 'Power Treads' first for the bear, then 'Vladmir's Offering' for Syllabear.
You may be asking why you don't farm boots for Syllabear first. The simple answer is that you won't be running around too much. Your bear is your courier so whenever you need to retrieve items, you send the bear, then you 'Return' him. You may need to go back to base maybe once to heal but you're mostly staying in the jungle. Farming these items early isn't as easy as it seems but I'll go over that further down the page.
Tier 2 Items
For Syllabear
For Spirit Bear
You have come to the stage of the game where farming and leveling have become a piece of cake. You should be seeking kills with your allies as soon as you finish your 'Aegis of Immortal.' However, If there is nobody to kill, you're back in the jungle neutraling, but this time at a super fast pace. It's okay to take on more than one hero as long as you have an ally with you because you have an Aegis as a safety net.
In the process of all of this, you buy the 'Boots of Speed' for Syllabear to improve his chasing skills. Then as soon as you accomplish that, you farm as fast as you can as the next item you are going for is 'Radiance.' You won't believe yourself how fast you can farm for Radiance. At this point, you can enjoy yourself killing some Ancients as well. The whole point in this period of the game is to never stop killing and rarely go back to base.
Tier 3 Items
For Syllabear
For Spirit Bear
When farming for these items, you should be around level 16-20. With your radiance, farming the next few items shouldn't be too hard. Farm for 'Cranium Basher' first for the bear, followed by 'Boots of Travel,' then get 'Assault Cuirass.' Cranium Basher stacks with 'Entangle' so it's a must get first. You get 'Boots of Travel' after because Syllabear's movement speed can already be improved with 'Rabid.'
Keep in mind, that you must try to always have an 'Aegis of Immortal' because farming for really expensive items could be a bit risky so kill Roshan when he respawns for the safety net.
If the game doesn't end at this point, I'd be surprised but some games can carry on like so. Therefore, take the next items into consideration based on the situation.
Items to Consider
For Syllabear
For Syllabear or Spirit Bear
Butterfly - Get it if your focused on a lot by physical attacks. It also adds good stats for your agility.
Satanic - If you need more life to handle the dpsers and nukers, this is a good item to get.
Black King Bar - If you get dispelled or stunned like fuck, which we all hate, you need to get this. Plus it makes Syllabear look as big as Tiny when you give him Rabid as well.

Stygian Desolator - This goes good for Syllabear or the Spirit Bear because it stacks with the 'Assault Cuirass' aura. It is situational who you give it to but when in doubt, give it to Syllabear. When chasing, the Spirit Bear usually gets the hits which is why he may need it but Syllabear would attack faster with it.
*NOTE* - If you get an orb of any sought (except Feedback) you must get rid of your 'Quelling Blade' because it doesn't stack.
Early Game
*NOTE* - The following maps are of older versions of DotA but still represent important points.
Lets face it... early game, Lone Druid sucks... This is why I decided that a Jungling Guide was best for him.
As soon as you pick Lone Druid, summon your Spirit Bear right away to start the cooldown time when it dies. To make microing easy for you, which we all have issues with, I've recommended a grouping technique. Make Syllabear and Spirit Bear 'Ctrl 1' and have only Spirit Bear as 'Ctrl 2.' So you can click just Syllabear by pressing 'F1.' Or just Spirit Bear with '2.'Or both of them with '1.' It'll get easier with practice.
The Neutral Creeps spawn at the 30th second of the game so you always have time to check the rune of your area first. The first neutrals you should clear are the level 1 creeps. In these red-crossed areas.
To speed the process of neutraling, tried to stick to specific routes. Here, I drew in both Scourge and Sentinel areas different routes.
Red Routes - The best routes
Blue Routes - Routes to avoid
Red Dots - Normal Creeps
Green Dots - Ancients
In the Sentinel area, you see the lowest creep spawn area can be accessed from the north. You have two 'Quelling Blades' that can cut through those trees.
In the beginning, it is guaranteed that your bear will die once but when that happens, the cooldown of 'Summon Spirit Bear' will have finished. This will happen around the 3rd set of creeps you kill. About a couple more sets of creeps from then, your bear will almost die but you can't let that happen or else the cooldown will be to long for you to continue neutraling so give some aggro to Syllabear. After Syllabear and the bear have been hurt a decent amount, send the bear back to heal and get the first few items of 'Power Treads.' Use your 'Healing Salve' on yourself.
Here you have about a minute to yourself before your bear returns. Check runes etc. but DON'T go to a lane unless of course it is essential. Syllabear is weak and a nuker can easily kill him. After you bear returns, you won't return to base for a long time. At least until 'Power Treads' is completed. At level 6, use 'True Form.' Remember to item switch at this point. Keep an eye on your adjacent lane to see if they need your help but keep farming until you get 'Vladmir's Offering' then go kill Roshan!
Mid Game
You'll be surprised how strong Syllabear is at this point of the game (level 11-16). Three words emphasize this section.
What makes Syllabear so potent against his enemies is the Spirit Bear's 'Entangle' so passive stunners such as Void, Troll Warlord and Slithereen Guard can't get their hits in against you. 'Entangle' stops their attack and movement.
When you hero kill, try to have an ally back you up, in case there needs to be a last hit or such. You may also find that in most cases, you will not get the kill but that is not a concern because most of your farming comes from creep killing. Also, remember to not be afraid of taking on more than one hero. You have allies to support you and an Aegis for a safety net. Try not to go back to base too much and as much as often, kill Ancients. They give a substantial amount of gold relative to the normal creeps.
In situation where an enemy is pushing on you and you have little backup, hold them back with your bear and keep Syllabear at a distance. Your bear is very strong mid-game with his resistance against spells.
As good as he is in holding back pushes, he's amazing at pushing.... pushers.... if that makes sense. He can break towers without being too near it using only the bear. And the towers go down fast due to the 'Demolish' passive the bear has.
Not much more else more can be said about Lone Druid in mid-game.
Late Game
At this point of the game, you start to lose a bit of the height against other heroes as some heroes get stronger. Sometimes, there is nothing you can do about heroes getting a bit stronger but that doesn't mean you can own them.
At mid-game you could take on a lot of guys at once but you must be a lot more cautious late-game. You must wait for opportune times to strike with your allies and such. The one real weakness of Syllabear at this point of the game is his inability to escape ganking. If you did own in mid-game, they probably have a high priority target... which is you. In this case, you must use your bear to attack the chasers and hope that the 'Cranium Basher' or 'Entangle' will activate. Constantly 'Return' your bear and attack your chasers. If done properly, you'll be fine.
If worst comes to worst, they succesfully gank you, but you will always have the extra Aegis to help you out. By that time you revive, your allies would have arrived to help you out.
There's not much else to it. I know that there are plenty of other ways in playing Lone Druid but this method has not failed me once. Follow my guide and I'm sure you'll show all your friends and enemies who the real King of the Jungle is.
May put up some videos. Stay tuned.
Labels: Dota Hero Guides
Posted by Imran Ladhani at 12:14 AM
Treant Protector Guide
Rooftrellen, the Treant Protectorfont>font>
Now that you've known Rooftrellen well enough, let's discuss a little about
Pros and consfont>font>
1. Highest strength gain of 3.4
2. Easy deny/last hitting, unlimited farming
3. Unique ability: Eyes of the forest. Gains vision around a tree
4. Unique ability: Living Armor. Heals your allies as well as YOUR TOWER!
5. Invisibility for your team
6. Pretty imba ultimate
7. Almost unkillable
8. Hard to click!!!font>
1. Melee with no stopping abilities(stun, slow etc)
2. No instant heal/aoe
3. Dependent on items
4. Easily countered escape mechanism
Skill buildsfont>font>
- target="_blank">Eyes of the forestli>
- href="" target="_blank">Living Armorfont>li>
- href="" target="_blank">Living Armorfont>li>
- href="" target="_blank">Nature's Guisefont>li>
- Living Armorfont>li>
- href="" target="_blank">Overgrowthfont>li>
- href="" target="_blank">Living Armorfont>li>
- href="" target="_blank">Eyes of the forestli>
- href="" target="_blank">Eyes of the forestli>
- href="" target="_blank">Eyes of the forestli>
- href="" target="_blank">Overgrowthfont>
level up ultimate when possibleli>
This build is the most common build for Rooftrellen, it's advantages are obvious, from lv4 few heroes can force you back to heal or kill you, and it often takes 2-3 of them together. Eyes of the forest is maxed second so you can almost maphack one side of the river well before the 30th mark. Stats are taken over 3 lvs of Nature's Guise because for me, 15 secs is good enough. I often go refresher orb which puts Rooftrellen's mana to a strain, stats is important to use it.
1. Solo farmer buildfont>
I must confess, I like to be the center of the team. Everyone likes attention, right? And that's why Radiance is so popular.
250 +
This is the fastest and safest Radience build I've tried so far.
HoM should be bought before 13+ latest, after that don�t bother. Though it�s useless for many heroes now, Rooftrellen is an exception because he doesn�t gank from 6+ and dies hard. If 3 enemies came with Dust you�d still die with an Ageis. When you are harassed farming, HoM greatly increases jungle efficiency too.
Radiance is your major dps item plus farming becomes really easy now.
Refresher is next because by now you would have enough mana to combo, an additional 5 sec also helps a lot in dps.
2. The supporterfont>
2050 +
803=optional item
3650 (sometime during this get
2050 or simply get
And for the ultimate
This is a flexible build for tanking/supporting. Living armor would be enough against physical damage, a HoD will work against spells. Bracers are not needed because of his huge strength gain, just make sure you don�t fall behind on levels.
Pipe of Insight is an optional item depending on whether your enemy is spell damage oriented.
If your side has a lot of melee heroes, it would be good to get aon your side, or if your enemy got a
. It also helps against heroes with armor based damage skills such as
. If not get
for regen and turn it into
For other items, refer to special items below.
3. Special Items worth to mentionfont>
This is an ideal Rooftrellen's item for both damage, hp and mana boost. if your enemies have invisibility, you can be a real pain in the ass lol. Allows you to tank and deal damage, but requires micro controlling.
A very good burst physical damage booster, but Rooftrellen can't hold enemies very long to keep swiping. If your team lacks physical dps but has enough control(stun, slow etc), this is a cheap useful option.
Contrary to common belief, Refresher shouldn't be rushed as your first item because it's expensive, offers little dps, decent regen and a skill you can't combo until 18+. Why get something so early when you cannot use it? If ultimating is Rooftrellen's only purpose, why not choose Tidehunter or Earthshaker? A lv3 Overgrowth combo costs 875 mana, at lv17 Rooftrellen has 715 mana naked and 845 with power treads intelligence. So he can do a full combo lv 18 and run dry. If you plan on Rrefresher, I suggest you time the progress.
href="" target="_blank">================================================== ========div>
Wow did I write so much already? lol
1. Early game font>
Buy aand 2
s. Grab it and head to the upper rune spot where you place your first eye. Then head to the top lane, it's probably too late for you to traverse the entire map already. Before lv3, you need to stay low and focus on hitting/denying. Remember you have no stun, slow or damage skill.
However when lv3 starts, you have lv2 living armor and can stand a lot of harrassing. From this point, harrassing you like they do others won't hurt a lot. Try to wear your enemies off supplies, hp and mana while keeping regen on you and your teammate. Then control the line towards your side and play dominant. If your enemies try to approach to last hit, swipe them! If you can harass them out of the exp area, deny them lots of creeps you ruined their early game! How are gankers gonna get their boots of speed or farmers their items to jump start farming?
Mid game font>
Once you hit 5, start pooling man to around 150. At lv6 if your enemies are low enough on hp, your ulti will net at least 1 kill. Try to do so. Whenever your side has a glaive thrower or meat wagon, push the lane to their tower. Cast living armor on your melee creeps with the highest hp and let him tank the tower. Then cast it on the mechanical unit(yeah, it's possible) so it can throw one more attack. Slowly wear off the tower's hp. Be patient.
By now you should have your HoM. Go home and get it then head to turn a jungle creep before returning to a lane. From here you should farm and farm and farm. Babysit the lane you are on by casting living armor on the tower. Whenever your HoM cools down, turn something. Also cast Eyes of the Forest whenever it cools down too.
Keep a TP or 2 on you at all times. Depending on your team position, balance between farming and supporting. Since you cannot hold enemies frequently, the best support you can give your team now is sight, tanking, and invisibility for the dying. When you have an ulti, request for a gank or push a tower.
Enemies will come for you. Keep at least mana for 1 invisibility. Solo killing Rooftrellen is difficult because he's got insane hp and armor plus an invisibility. But if they come with Dust of Appearance, look out! When you're harrassed a lot on lanes, go jungling. Keep living armor on you and you can indefinitely jungle But Rooftrellen doesn't jungle fast, so head back to a lane asap.
Late game font>
By the 30th minute mark, you should have completed more than half of your items and highlighted half the map lol. Push and Push! Use vision and catch them jungling or on their way then push. Fight few with many. Remember you probably have gotten a lot of hatred, so do not push too deep alone, they will buy.
href="" target="_blank">================================================== ========div>
Skill Usagesfont>font>
Cast this on anyone within 375 area of a tree and he will gain invisibility for 15 sec. Leveling up this skill decreases mana cost and increases duration. Normally I only get 1 rank for this, stats are too important for Roftrellen. Rooftrellen can cast spells in Nature's Guise without breaking invisibility. If you cast it on an ally outside the 375 radius, he's only invisible for 1 sec or so. If you do so on an escaping teammate, the enemy will lose target for 1 sec, and that probably will save his ass. Use this skill to escape, surprise the enemy or scout.
A lot of heroes can easily counter invisibility.
ignores invisibility and is great to finish of any hero with 200- hp. Plus it cuts trees.
Any hero with aoes that ignore invisibility, like's
and a lot more.
Heroes that reveal invisibility.
Plus a lot of skills that can neutralize you before you cast invisibility. For example, Naga Siren can ensnare and show you for the spells duration.
Your bread and butter skill. Keep this on you at all times and use it on 2 of your teammates during team fights, it'll help them take more damage. If a teammate passes you, cast it on him too, you helped restore 140 hp over the next 45 sec not to mention the benefits of +12 armor. You can also cast this on towers, so whichever lane you are on, babysit and protect it!
Your ultimate. Wait where is Eyes of the Forest? Below!!
Your ultimate won't catch enemies you can't see. But once caught, it will delay their invisibility for its duration. If you cast it first and an enemy uses magic immunity, the effect is dispelled. But if he does it first then the spell holds him. Certain heroes with mirror images like Naga Siren and Chaos Knight will dispell the effects too, Manta Style does the same. Entangled enemies can cast spells but cannot move or attack. When you are the main dpser, it might be nice to let others jump in for you if possible. Use your ulti when one is finished and others are fleeing. But if you're the starter, you wanna entangle them all of course.
This skill creates a tree with a casting range of 100. It's basically Rooftrellen's attack range. What's worth mentioning is you can chop a tree with Quelling Blade and plant one of yours at the exact spot. Trees planted will have the same terrrian style, ones on the scourge side will be withered while those one the sentinel side are green.
BUT the size and looks won't copy the tree you just chopped. So if you replace the middle tree at the top rune spot everyone will know it's a fake. And if a tree suddenly appeared right next to the lower rune spot everyone will know too!!Another thing is trees chopped by you will REGROW! So you will see 2 trees in the same spot if you didn't position it correctly. That is why I recommend to plant trees around a large piece of woods, where nobody can tell the difference.
There's just too many places to mention, and it's impossible to highlight each spot. So you must follow your own judgement. Generally if your team is ganking based, you should light up their creeps 1st. If your team is more pushing and team battle based you should light tricky spots first. If your team if failing you should light up your side first lol.
The basic rule is to use it once it cools down and if you don't know where, simply ward a creep. Can't be that hard right?
Complete screenshots of eyes are href="http://www.playdota.com/forums/album.php?albumid=190" target="_blank">herea>
When you start early game, level up Eyes of the Forest and immediately head out with your+
. Hurry, you might not be able to head back to your lane in time.
This is the 1st eye you should have, and you should maintain it throughout the game. Why do I not chop&ward the middle tree? Because it's too obvious.
See the highlighted tree? I planted it without cutting. Useful for ganking/chasing/escaping. With that tree your enemies cannot play high/low terrain sight games. Useful to monitor activities aimed at sentinel top/middle tower. Even more useful after they fell.
Very useful when sentinel mid 2nd tower is threatened.
Place an eye where I'm standing, or chop&grow. This eye monitors sentinel ancients as well as traffic. Butchers, Enigmas and Earthshakers find this spot pretty attractive, to say the least.
The 1st eye requires you to chop down 2 trees. It doesn't offer a large sight of the river or the entrance, but it's perfect to detect enemy wards planted nearby. The 2nd eyecam monitors entrance to the sentinel jungle from lower river, one of the most frequent paths used by both sides, as well as the creeps.
Useful throughout the game. Fastest way from middle lane to sentinel jungle/lower rune spot.
Monitors sentinel lvl1 creep and provides sight in the woods. Very useful when sentinel 1st and 2nd middle tower is threatened/down.
Gives sight in woods. Very useful when 2nd sentinel tower is threatened. And if hiding in the shadows around this part is very popular, you might want to plant a 2nd eye in the cluster of trees between here and the lvl5 creeps.
Scourge Jungle
This is always the 2nd eye I plant after the upper rune spot one. It's pretty near and very useful. Surveillance over lv3 creeps plus an entrance.
There are different ways to plant an eye at this creep point. Combine this eye with the one below and you will have a clear vision of the area below the scourge tower. Plant it in the woods below the creeps and you have sight over an entrance.
Very useful eye. Covers traffic between top/middle scourge lane, gungler ganking and surprise attacks aimed at scourge mid towers.
Useful when the tower's down or you're sentinel.
Useful when sentinel's attacking 2nd mid tower and base tower.
So long for my TP guide. Welcome to comment
Labels: Dota Hero Guides
Posted by Imran Ladhani at 12:09 AM